Josman comic list

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Hey I bet we all fantasized about Wolverine (well I did) at some stage, but Shrek??? Wait until you see what Logan turned him into! LOL
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Josman’s traditional gay porn scenarios with a daddy/boy twist include: prison, plumber, twins, sailors, tutor, construction, gym and a family reunion orgy
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21.08.2011 · Bear in Holland Partnered gay bear here into other bears and mature men. I do not like immature or insecure people, so I tend to go for guys above 40.

Josman comic list
Drawn Daddies: The art of Ian HanksHot Gay Hentai Cartoons And Yaoi
All your favorite gay hentai heroes as they get sucked into the wonderful world of free gay cartoons and yaoi, because they are all about the cock
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Josman comic list
Cesta de la compra - gasco Interplay Drawn DaddiesARTISTS / FRIENDS . Gengoroh TAGAME. Patrick FILLION. BOYTOONS Mag. SILENCIO-EGA. HvH EXPO. BONESMEN. FLAMING ARTIST . Rob CLARKE. Artistic Licence. Carlos GARCIA